Abortion....Bad behaviour?
To me theres no straight answer when it comes to abortion! Personally i dont agree with abortion purely because i know i wouldnt be able to go through with it, i can honestly say i dont want a child not now and not for a good few years but if i was to get pregnant i really dont think i could get rid of it... Thats why im sooo careful!
According to statistics in 2005 186, 400 women had abortions, those numbers include women residing in england and wales, compared 185,700 in 2004. The standardised age for abortions were 17.8 in 2005 when this survey was taken. So in essence numbers are rising....
To have an abortion on the NHS you have to have a referral from two doctors who have to agree that the requirements from the abortion act 1967 have been met.
The Abortion Act 1967 covers the UK mainland (England, Scotland, and Wales), but not Northern Ireland. The law states that:
Abortions must be carried out in a hospital or a specialised licensed clinic.
Two doctors must agree that an abortion would cause less damage to a woman's physical or mental health than continuing with the pregnancy.
Abortions must be carried out in a hospital or a specialised licensed clinic.
Two doctors must agree that an abortion would cause less damage to a woman's physical or mental health than continuing with the pregnancy.
There are other ways to get abortions however with horror stories i have just spend the last 20 mintues reading on the internet is it really worth going somewhere your not 100% sure about?
I no there are quite strong views against abortion i can see why when you type abortion into google images but for others it is simply part of their religioun or philosophical beliefs as to why they disagree with abortion. On the other hand, to me for my situation i dont agree with it but for others i completely understand why they would choose to have an abortion especially if the woman in question is told her health is at severe risk, and for those who are told there is a high probability their baby has a medical condition and they do not and cannot provide the correct circumstances to bring up a child.
I believe its all down to personal circumstances and choice, not everyone feels they want to or are fit to have a child and that decision has to be made by the individual, but i dont think that someone should repeatedley have abortions because they cannot be bothered to use protection or to take their pill when there supposed to.....
It is not bad behaviour in the slightest it is down to the individual to make a decision their happy with.....
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