Is discrimination of any form wrong? Yes... Why should people in certain circumstances be excluded from anything based on the colour of their skin or the religoun they choose to follow...
Racism was once defined as "prejudice plus power" - a definition which, in a British context, has tended to exclude all but the white population.
It took the murder of the young Stephen lawrence to change the debate regarding racist crime and redefined a racist incident state a racist incident to be anything perceived as racist by the victim or any other person.
The most recent record taken in 2004 states that 87,000 people from black or ethnic minority groups feel they have been the victim of racially motivated crime at some point in their lives. However the numbers can be seen as misleading due to the fact 90% of people in britain are white, according to the latest stats from the home office the risk for a white person is less than 1% compared a definate 1% for black and ethnic minority groups.
Racism,in fact any kind of discrimination is wrong, there are so many initiatives to put a stop to racism, for example, love music hate racism, show racism the red card and childline offer advice and support to victims of racism. However, despite all of these racism is still among us today, its getting passed down from genaration to generation, children in most cases idolise their parents they wouldnt normally notice or care the coulour of somebody elses skin but if their constantly hearing racist comments then, especially at a young age they'll pick up on it and dish it out if thats what they believe to be right...
Whatever causes people to be racist whether its been passed down, past experiences or stereotypes it should stop and people should understand that it wont achieve anything...
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