Is animal cruelty bad behaviour?
Cruelty to animals is the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals, other than humans, for purposes other than self-defense.
More than 70,000 creatures were badly treated last year - a rise of 78% on the figures for 2003-4.
This included nearly 20,000 animals who were not given access to water. Many more were not given food or shelter.
6 to 8 Million Dogs and Cats: Every year, 6 to 8 million dogs and cats enter shelters, and 3 to 4 million shelter dogs and cats are killed.
80 Percent of Puppies: Most pet store puppies (and 80% of the American Kennel Club's business) come from puppy mills, mass-breeding operations in which ill, suffering dogs are kept in deplorable conditions. They breed between 2 and 4 million puppies each year.
For Fur:
350,000 Baby Seals: In 2006 more than 350,000 baby seals were killed, mostly by clubbing, in the annual Canadian seal hunt; 98 percent of the slaughtered harp seals were less than 3 months old. Forty-two percent of the seals in a 2001 study by veterinarians were found to be skinned while alive and conscious.
30 Million: More than 30 million mink, foxes, chinchillas, and other animals are killed on fur farms each year, by such methods as electrocution and poisoning. Neither fur farms nor the methods by which trapped animals can be killed are regulated by any U.S. laws.
2 Million Dogs and Cats: Some fur trims and clothes labeled as fake or as from another animal are actually made from dog and cat fur exported by China, where the more than 2 million dogs and cats per year killed for fur suffer unspeakable cruelties, including sometimes the documented horror of being skinned alive.
Ive put all these statistics in because i feel they are extremely relevant, animal cruelty is disgusting and unnessacary i dont no how people could have the heart to do the things they do to animals. I typed "animal cruelty" into google images and for anyone who wants to look go ahead but some of the images are disgusting and vile and how people can do that i dont no!
Its a joke how many animals are killed for no reason other than money making and it makes me sick, personally as a dog owner myself the thought of any other dogs being killed for clothes is out of this world but like the stats prove it happens...
There are numerous charities who fight against the cruelty of animals one being WSPA
along with many more...
And reading the things that happen to animals and seeing the images makes me want to support them even more so than i did already...
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