Binge drinking is the modern definition of drinking alcoholic beverages with the primary intention of becoming intoxicated by heavy consumption of alcohol over a short period of time.
Now, to me this defintion sounds like a typical night out for most young people. Now i no there is a huge amount of intiatives against binge drinking for young people with the government being against offers such as 2for1. But lets think it through, if drinks werent on offer and were full priced then those on a night out would only drink even more than they probably do already before hand because they cant afford the drinks when there out.
Binge drinking is most common among 16–24-year-olds , and is more common among men than women. The General Lifestyle Survey 2008 showed that 21% of men and 14% of women drank more than double their recommended units on at least one day in the previous week. According to a number of websites those who binge drink are likely to be involved in accidents and crime, i understand many people probably do fall into these categories, however, according to these websites i would qualify as a binge drinker as i drink twice the recomended amount in one night. But, just because i drink that much doesnt mean im not in control and would participate in any sort of crime etc i no exactly what im doing and when to stop so i dont believe everyone who's classed as a "binge drinker" should be sterotyped.
On the other hand i can understand why people have a negative impression of those who "go out on the lash" with statistics all over the internet such as, Alcohol is a factor in:
One in three (30%) sexual offences
One in three (33%) burglaries
One in two (50%) street crimes
One in three (30%) sexual offences
One in three (33%) burglaries
One in two (50%) street crimes
Although there are a number of health affects that accompany binge drinking especially for those who take it to the extreme its not like they arent aware of all the side effects. if they still go on to drink as much as they already do and have accidents due to their own incompetence at the time then surely it is there responsibility. Whether 2 for 1 offers are taken away or not people will still go out and buy it from the local store instead it is as always personal choice and responsibility of the individual....
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