Prostitution is it bad behaviour?
I believe prostitution is completely the wrong way to earn money and i cant see any benefit in it at all and most people would sway towards it being immoral.
"Prostitution is defined as the exchange of sexual services for money"
Prostitution itself isnt illegal however, the activities surrounding it are, Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003, it is an offence to cause or incite prostitution or control it for personal gain also the 1956 Sexual Offences Act bans running a brothel and it's against the law to loiter or solicit sex on the street. Kerb crawling is also banned as long as it is believed that it is causing a nuisance to others. Adverts in phone boxes and on lamp posts have been banned since 2001. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7736436.stm
So surely with the laws surrounding prostitution it is bad behaviour....
42% of prostitutes start working before the age of 18, 78% have been threaghtened with a weapon and 82% have been physically assaulted, these percentages only represent the ones who have have stepped forward and reported however, numerous people dont due to being frightened of the consequences. 73% report being raped more than five times and finally 75% report having a drug problem. http://powerhouse-ministry.org/annielobert_prostitution.aspx
With the precentages given it just proves how much of a dangerous buisness it is to get into, how can they trust complete strangers with their safety? This is not the answer to earning "easy money" nor is it a way to earn a living. This way of living is completely wrong and isnt safe for either the prostitute or the client who put themselves at risk of sexually transmitted diseases or fines for kerb crawling.
The word prostitution has a negative stigma however, some of these individuals are forced into this way of living and it genuinely isnt through choice. Those who have the choice however should realise they cant live that way forever and there are much better and safer ways to earn money by keeping ones self respect.....
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