Smoking is a highly debated topic, personally I believe its down to the individual its not like people arent aware of the consequences as its often thrown in your face just buying a pack of fags. For example I recently went to a club where on the walk to the smoking area there were lit up signs with quotes such as "smoking kills" now i understand people should be made aware of the possible outcomes, but like most things its personal choice.
Im not going to pretend i havent smoked cause in the past i have, at the bright young age of 14 i tried my first cigarette because "everybody else smoked" it was cool, everywhere i looked my friends smoked, their families smoked and it was all over the T.V. Now if you'd asked me at the time I would of said i loved it but honestly i hated it it just wasnt me. But thats not to say i think people shouldnt smoke.
I wouldnt put it under the heading of "being bad" because its not, its not against the law, i completely agree that the nhs should provide all possible help for those who WANT to quit, want being the key word. They should not however force something upon people that they have no
interest in.
For example, my grandad smoked all his life from the tender age of 16 he was told many a time that he smoked to much, but he never listened and lived a full and happy life. So surely if its something you enjoy yes it wont help your health im not saying it does but if it makes you happy then so be it.
Saying that if an individual starts suffering from health issues due to smoking and quitting will improve their quality of life then at that point i think they should quit. Half of all smokers die of a smoking related disease such as cancer or heart disease, personally knowing that makes me want to run a mile from the closest cigarette but again its not like those who choose to smoke dont no that. Most people are aware of the health issues but if they are aware and still go ahead to smoke then again that is personal choice.
As a non smoker one thing I am happy was bought into place was the smoking ban, although i would never tell anyone not to smoke as i think its down to them i do think, and im sure most smokers would agree, that when i go out for food i dont want to be inhaling smoke at the same time especially when there is a high chance children will be around. Like i have said smoking is a personal choice but when it begins to affect other people thats when it becomes unfair, and now the smoking ban is in place i believe it solves that problem.
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