Drugs.... Are they bad behaviour?
Now whether an individual participates in drug use is down to personal choice and like numerous people say "you should try everything once". Younger people trying cannabis seems to be getting more and more regular, im not gonna pretend i havent tried it because i have, it was the done thing at school everybody at least tried it. But, i can safely safe i tried it once and never again i honestly didnt enjoy it in the slightest and it did nothing for me. However, my friends were the opposite and loved it for the best part of a year and a half every day and they now understand exactly how much i hated what it did to them. And the fact one of them went on to try cocaine. It very often starts at a low level and gets worse.
Facts and figures
The UK illicit drug market is estimated to be worth between £4 billion and £6.6 billion
Class A drug use generates an estimated £15.4 billion in crime and health costs each year, of which 99% is accounted for by problem drug users
Between a third and a half of acquisitive crime is estimated to be drug related
The UK illicit drug market is estimated to be worth between £4 billion and £6.6 billion
Class A drug use generates an estimated £15.4 billion in crime and health costs each year, of which 99% is accounted for by problem drug users
Between a third and a half of acquisitive crime is estimated to be drug related
Why do some drug users become addicted, while others don’t?
As with many other conditions and diseases, vulnerability to addiction differs from person to person. Your genes, age when you started taking drugs, and family and social environment all play a role in addiction. Risk factors that increase your vulnerability include:
*Family history of addiction
*Abuse, neglect, or other traumatic experiences in childhood
*Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety
*Early use of drugs
As with many other conditions and diseases, vulnerability to addiction differs from person to person. Your genes, age when you started taking drugs, and family and social environment all play a role in addiction. Risk factors that increase your vulnerability include:
*Family history of addiction
*Abuse, neglect, or other traumatic experiences in childhood
*Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety
*Early use of drugs
As you can see there are many factors as to why people take drugs but is the long term effects really worth the fun? the laughs? or the enjoyment?
These longer term effects are....
Seizures, high blood pressures, convulsions, nausea, impotence, infertility, depression and numbness amongst many others!
So im going to go with Yes, drugs are bad behaviour, im sure people will disagree however, i dont think the long term effects are worth it, at the time it may seem like a good idea but in the end is doing the above to yourself worth the money...
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