Shoplifting, "is the theft of goods from a retail establishment", theres no typical shoplifter however there are those that are a bit more professional than others. Professional shoplifters tend to go for more expensive items that they no they can sell on. Amateur shoplifters just take what they can when they can, what i dont understand is what possibly can be worth the penalties that are carried with shoplifting if caught.
I can honestly say i have never stole anything, to be really honest i never had the bottle, a couple of my friends occasionally used to pinch the odd things, one pretty much every day. Dont get me wrong the oppotunities have been never i just never took them, possibly my conscience took over and i felt to guilty, which i suppose is the best thing...
If caught shoplifting then an individual may be banned from not only the shop but maybe the shopping centre where the offence took place this is if the shop is reasonable, they'll take a photo and make sure all other stores are aware.
Penalties may be charged at £50-80 for first time offenders, or a caution may be given by the police which will then be recorded on the individuals criminal record which in turn may affect them when searching for a job. Finally if the individual is a persistant shoplifter they will be charged at magistrates court under the theft act 1968 where a custodial sentence may be given...
So yes, shoplifting is bad behaviour even as a joke it isnt worth the consequences that are carried with it...
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